13. FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttag

13. FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttag

Dienstag, 24. September 2024 | 12.15 Uhr | Frankfurt School of Finance & Management


Das war die 13. Ausgabe des FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttages 2024: wir bedanken uns herzlich für die rege Teilnahme am FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttag! Es war uns eine große Freude, mit Ihnen gemeinsam den Nachmittag zu verbringen und in die Welt der Hedgefondsstrategien einzutauchen.


12.15 Uhr:


13.15 Uhr:

Empfang zum FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttag

13.30 Uhr:


Carsten Hermann (Bereichsvorstand Asset Management, FERI AG)

13.40 Uhr:

Multi-PM Fonds — Eierlegende Wollmilchsau?

Marcus Storr (Head of Alternative Investments, FERI AG)

14.00 Uhr:

China-Related Cross-Border Arbitrage Strategy: Still Strong Alpha After 15 Years

Tom Tang (Chief Executive Officer, WaterValley Capital Management (HK) Limited, Hong Kong)

14.30 Uhr:

Artificial Alpha: How AI is Transforming Hedge Fund Returns

Tom Morris (Managing Director, Systematic Active Equities, BlackRock Inc., London)

15.00 Uhr:


15.15 Uhr:

Der heiße Stuhl – Runde 1: Liquid Alternatives in der Vermögensverwaltung

Cecile Herzl (Portfolio Managerin) und Dr. Robert Wiesner (Head of Asset Management, BTV — Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg AG, Innsbruck)

Moderation: Joachim Althof (Geschäftsführer GFD — Gesellschaft für Finanzkommunikation mbH, Frankfurt)

15.45 Uhr:

Der heiße Stuhl – Runde 2: Risk Taking in (Un)risky Markets

Greg Coffey (CIO & Founder, Kirkoswald Capital Partners LLP, New York)

Moderation: Marcus Storr

16.15 Uhr:


16.45 Uhr:

Abschlussvortrag mit Diskussion im Rahmen des Institutional Investors Day: „What's up World?“ — Die multidimensionale Systemkonkurrenz der Supermächte

Joschka Fischer (Bundesaußenminister a. D.), eingeleitet von Dr. Heinz-Werner Rapp (Gründer & Leiter FERI Cognitive Finance Institute)

Moderation: Dr. Marcel V. Lähn (Vorstand & CIO, FERI AG)

Ab 17.45 Uhr:

Apéro auf der Dachterrasse & Ausklang


Tom Weiye Tang

Tom Weiye Tang has been the CEO of WaterValley since 2017, overseeing business development as well as risk management process for the fund. Before joining WaterValley, Tom was Managing Director of Credence Global Fund of Splendor Capital Management, which specializes in relative value trades in Chinese and global commodities. Prior to Credence, Tom was a software developer in IBM Pacific Development Centre, Vancouver, Canada. He has a Master’s degree in Communication from Stanford University, California, USA.

Tom Morris

Tom Morris, Managing Director, is a member of BlackRock's Systematic Active Equity Investment Group. He is responsible for portfolio management and research for Global Mid Horizon strategies, including the Global Alpha Opportunities fund, and co-head of Stock Selection research for SAE. Before joining BlackRock in 2010, Mr. Morris was Head of Quantitative Research for Marble Bar Asset Management in London, where he founded the quantitative investment team and managed "mid horizon" portfolios in Europe, North America and Asia Pac from 2005. Prior to this Mr. Morris was a Quantitative Analyst and Investment Strategist with responsibility for developing systematic investment models within the Global Equity Strategy team at Deutsche Bank. Mr. Morris has a BSc in Industrial Economics from the University of Warwick in 2002.

Cecile Herzl

Cecile Herzl has been working in the Asset Management department at Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg for 10 years and is responsible for macroeconomic analysis and alternative investments, which includes liquid alternatives and commodities. In several BTV publications she is sharing her knowledge and her thoughts about economics and the financial markets. Her Master's degree in Applied Economics she completed at Leopold-Franzens-University Innsbruck in 2014. As CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) and CAIA (Chartered Alternative Investment Analyst) charter holder she also had the opportunity to deepen her knowledge in portfolio management and alternative investments.

Dr. Robert Wiesner

Dr. Robert Wiesner has been working at Bank für Tirol und Vorarlberg for 10 years and is the head of BTV Asset Management. He holds a business degree from the Catholic University Eichstätt-Ingolstadt as well as a doctorate in Economics and Social Sciences from Leopold-Franzens University Innsbruck. As the head of BTV asset management, he is responsible for the multi asset strategy, and he is also advising high net worth clients. Additionally, he is responsible for the equity strategy and stock selection and shares his knowledge about portfolio theory as a lecturer at the University of Innsbruck.

Greg Coffey

Greg Coffey is the Founder and Chief Investment Officer of Kirkoswald Asset Management, a Macro hedge fund that launched in 2018. Prior to Kirkoswald, Greg was Co-Chief Investment Officer of Moore Europe Capital Management from 2008 to 2012. From 2003 until that time, Greg ran the Macro and Emerging Markets Business Units at GLG Partners. He began his career in 1994 programming CTA models, then proprietary trading fixed income products at Macquarie Bank in Sydney. He went from there to the Bankers Trust Inflation linked bond trading desk and was transferred to the London office where he ran the Emerging Markets Equity Derivatives business from 1997 until he left to join a Soros backed hedge fund startup in 2000. Greg graduated from Sydney's Macquarie University with a Bachelor of Economics, majoring in Actuarial Studies and Finance.

Marcus Storr

Marcus Storr joined FERI in 2005. As Head of Alternative Investments and Member of the Management Committee at FERI he is responsible for the development of the Alternative Investment business (Hedge Funds, Private Equity and Risk Premia solutions) with total AuM of €15.4bn. FERI’s total group AuM are approx. €54.0bn. Additionally Marcus is member of the board of FERI Trust (Luxembourg) S.A., FERI’s fund management company. He started his career in 1994 as an advisor to UHNWI before moving to London in 1998 joining the Investment Banking division of Robert Flemings Ltd. (acquired by JPMorgan). Until 2003 he was a Director within the Global Equities department of Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein in London. He has over 25 years of experience in Capital Markets, Corporate Transactions and Portfolio Management. Marcus holds a masters degree in Finance & Capital Markets and International Management & Economics from Humboldt University Berlin in addition to a two-year apprenticeship as a bank manager.

Ein Rückblick auf den 12. FERI Hedgefonds Investmenttag 2023

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